LAST UPDATED 12/06/2023

🕊 A Journey Back to Catholicism

After rasied Catholic, becoming Protestantism, sowing oats and returning back  — I’ve always wanted to retrace my steps how I got here. There are many reasons why I reverted — some rational, historical and emotional. If I am honest, there wasn’t one magic bullet reason, but the data over-time began to mount in favor of the Catholic Church and the Protestant position became incoherant.

This article is my top reasons why I am Catholic.  I leave the door open to be proven wrong, I just haven’t met a compelling reason to be anything besides Catholic.

The ‘Would My Grandma Attend this Church?’ Test
The dominos began to fall for me when a friend of mine, struggling with his faith, asked me this question. We were both attending a ‘missional’ church, centered on building relationships with friends, colleagues and neighbors. It brought God to people rather than forcing them to enter into the walls of a church. It was a movement founded on: community, engaging culture, and finding relevant ways to help people encounter God. Tbh this way of living still makes sense to me. On the surface it seems harmless ... but beneath the surface laid practical concerns. (see reason #3). 

At the time, my grandma, a devout Catholic, was in her mid-70’s and in poor health. The ‘missional’ church I was a part of was located in dark warehouses, with cool music, and a congregation that looked like extras in a Wes Anderson film. The target demographic was young, educated and affluent. Nothing inherantly evil with the above, I just had to honestly ask myself, could my grandma find peace, community and practice her faith here? Could I as an older grandpa? If I am honest, the answer was NO — which created a series of problems. 

Disclaimer: the test doesn’t disprove Protestantism but it did make me question the entire system. 

What Kind of People Attend My Church? Who Does It Attract?
My grandma hypothetically not fitting into my church, forced me to do a “anthropological audit” of who walked in the church doors. They were mostly reflections of myself: young, trendy and 20-40 somethings. What does it say about your church when it only attracts a certain type of person? Another example of a church reflecting yourself might be “cowboy churches” in rural Texas towns or African American gosepl churches. Unintentionally what these communities are build around exclusivity and not intended for a broad, universal appeal.

If the New Testament established a new covenant for all the nations, in any country, for any man, women, child, race, etc. ... wouldn’t that institution attract or at the very least make it possible to attract a diverse set of members by the way it functioned? The cool church I was a part of back in ‘08 made me question  “where are the Latinos, Vietnamese, 65+, people with special needs, African outfits, 80-yr old in wheelchair, girl with downsydrome, awkward middle schoolers” I was accustome to growing up.

These narrow slice of a population made me consider maybe my church (by it’s very nature) is a man-made religion, something of a cultural ghetto, not an instituion for all people, created to last anywhere during anytime. 

Next time you are at your local church, take note of who you see. Ask yourself: have I surrounded myself with people just like me? What does it say about my denomination?
By its very definition, Catholic / (kæθəlɪk) including a wide variety; universal; all-embracing. It’s Jew & Gentile church in the truest sense. 

How Long Did Your Church Last?
I moved to Denver to participate in a “church plant” designed to engage traditional church misfits, those deconstructing their faith, seeking to go back to the way the “early church” lived. Very compelling mission, operating like a startup, gowing from 5 to 300 in 5 years. It felt vibrant, exciting and like I was part of something special. And being in the inner-core leaders of the church, I felt important. 

The problem was it only last 10 years. It was gone like rising smoke. Church leaders felt the mission had run its course and moved onto their next venture. It was peculiar to me that someone can have a private revelation from God to start a church ... and then it shut down without even lasting a quarter of a century? Mars Hill Church in Seattle, born in ‘96, rose from 2 to 12,000 attendees and by ‘15 it had dissolved it’s network. Many people I know have experienced the pain of a church starting and stopping, a disorienting, confusing and a painful process — kind of like mom and dad getting divorced. And we act as these splinters are “just part of the deal”. 

This never made sense to me, surely the God of the Old Testament who is so detailed in how he builds his church (ex. outer wall 100 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 5 cubits high), wouldn’t create a free for all with how churches are built in the new covenant. And yet somehow the Catholic Church, right or wrong has lasted over 2,000 years. Surely there is some kind of blessing built into its dna and how it functions to withstand the test of time.

Discaimer: reasons 1-3 do not provide adequate evidence the Catholic church is the one-true church (Catholic churches shut down too and some Protestant churches have lasted 100’s of year), but it does send signals of a broken system. 

The Charismatic Pastor is the Life Blood to Modern Churches

The pastor of the church I attended was amazing. Kind, intelligent, good communicator and everyone’s friend. Once he left the church dissolved. His charismatic vision and personality left a void unable to be filled, without any continuity or a succession plan. Same with Mars Hill. I wonder what will happen to Matt Chandler’s The Village Church when he retires in 20-30 years. The hearbeat of the church and it’s subsequent vision often lives and dies by the founding pastor when they start another “company”. Not always but all too often. For every Methodist or Presbyerian branch that lasts, how many Adullam Denver’s are there?

The Catholic Church is built to sniff out the celebrity pastor. Priests take a 7 yr-long discernment process, with spiritual formation along the way to ensure there are no ulterior motives to becoming a sheppard. Same with becoming Catholic, you don’t just have an alter call and are thrusted into the deep-end of your faith. Chruches and ministires are named after church theology & sainthood, not someone’s ministry name. No billboards with Catholic priests faces on them. 

Priests take a vow of poverty (no accessive material items), chasity (married to the church, commitment to purity) and obedience (they submit to their bishop). Priests submit to their Bishop for an average 6 year assignment. This mechanism keeps the celebrity priest at bay and keeps the focus of why you attend derivative of the liturgy and sacrements not a dynamic personality.

When my pastor left, the church fell apart — and created yet another problem.

I am Building God In My Image or My Faith Around God’s Full Revelation?

The church break up, like a rock band, forces me to “church hop” or “shop” to find the right home all over again. It’s an exhausting process — similar to dating. I would come-up with a set of criteria to base my next church decision around, until I found the right one. 

I didn’t have language to this at the time but I was making a critical error when it came to my faith. I determined the criteria and then sought to find the “right church” be it: preaching, friends, worship bands, cute girls, church programs and social community. In short, I was making up the church rules to live by vs discovering the church Jesus set-up and living accordingly. It’s a minor mindset shift with major implications. 

This was an important revelation for me, because I no longer had to swim upstream anymore. I didn’t have to spend time “find the right church” or “interpret the bible perfectly” — both these things brought significant stress and anxiety.

I had to give swimming with the current a chance, truly take serious the doctrines of the Catholic Church and let them change me — not the other way around. Ultimately the Catholic Church just is … it doesn’t care what you or I think about a topic.

What Came 1st the Church or the Bible?
Simple question with serious implications. Short answer: Jesus died in year 33 AD. The last book of the bible wasn’t written until 100 AD. The bible was determined until the year 415 AD! So what happened for 300+ years! In the ‘Age of the Martyrs’ 285-305 AD, high point of people dieing for Christ — there was no bible. How did the church function practically? Honest question. 

Further, how did you get the canon (table of contents) of the bible. How do you know what belongs in the bible? Is that listed in the bible? Or did God provide a means to determine what was in and out of the bible? If the bible truly is inerrant (without error), there must be an infallible source to compile — that source is Catholic Pope, Bishops & Priests. If Protestants thoughts the Catholic Church was a sufficient source to derive their bible, why wouldn’t they trust other things.

Jesus didn’t ask his disciples to write down anything, he did however instruct his disciples to start a church. In Matthew 16:17 , Jesus said to Simon, “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.”

A few closing thoughts, if the bible is the source of our faith, it makes sense in the modern world we live in, but how did it work throughout the course of history? Bible required a monk to write it everyday for 10 months, close to $30k dollars per bible. Guttenburg printing press was in 1450. 80% illiteracy WW until the 1800s. We are talking wide-stretches of time where people didn’t have access to a bible. Even today, what do you do with a homeless person who can’t read and write. Or someone with cognitive disabilities. Building the foundation of ones faith on reading and interpreting scripture doesn’t make sense. Protestant throw around the phrase biblical like it speaks for itself, when it comes loaded with bias.

Ultimately, Jesus could have redeemded humanity and given us divine revelation ... but he gets to set the rules, not me. 

The Eucharist
As a Protestant you have to do some real mental gymnastics with John 6 and the bread of life discourse to not think it is true flesh and body of Jesus.

A few observations:
  • Jesus doubles down on the hard teaching at the end. Many of his disciples had “a hard time with this teaching” and leave him. Jesus reiterates twice with leaving no room for “symbolic language”.
  • The entire Gospel of John had no metaphoric language. Many Protestants say it is expressive language, however that is not how John writes. He uses no symbolism in his Gospel.
  • Paul feverant in the belief of the Eucharist. 1 Corinthians 11:27-30 — So then, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. 28 Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup. 29 For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves. 30 That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep.
  • Manna from Heaven in Exodus. God sends spiritual food from heaven to give Isrealites nurishment on their spiritual  jounrey. And extends the spiritual bread in the new covenant.
  • Unanimous belief from the early church fathers. It was unanimuous belief until the year 1500. 
  • Luther believes in the Eucharist. The face of the Protestant rebellion believed in the Eucarist.

I could continue to throw facts but what has gotten me recently was the Lords Prayer, “...give us this day our daily bread”. Catholics have a means and mechanism to receive our daily bread via daily mass where we receive Jesus in the flesh. Does your church?

Circular Logic of Sola Scriptura & Dangers of Proof-Texting
Sola scriptura rejects any original infallible authority, other than the Bible. In this view, all secondary authority is derived from the authority of the scriptures and is therefore subject to reform when compared to the teaching of the Bible. How do Protestants come to this belief? Was it found in scripture somewhere? Or some outside source? It would have to definitively been proven in scripture to do so otherwise. {Add arguments here}.

Do the scriptures interpret themselves? Can I come to understand scriptures just based on reading them. If yes, why do Protestant have disagreements over: baptismal regeneration, predestination, The presence of Christ in Eucharist, justification, or losing ones salvation. If what we were suppose to believe was so clear and evident, why would their be a 1st Baptist Church & then a 2nd Baptist church right down the street from one another. Or 8,000 different Protestant denominations.

If scripture was so clear, it would tell us what to do with timely issues like: artifical intelligence, contraception, and IVF. Another way of considering the question, does the Constitution interpret itself? If the Constitution were so clear wouldn’t 330MM people know what to do in regards to abortion or gun control? The obvious answer is no — that’s why we have a judicial branch to interpret laws.

The focus on each individual interpreting scripture on their own has also led to the rise of Relativism — not just in a scriptural sense but even a cultural sense as well. If I determine was is true in the bible — why can’t I determine what is true for my gender? 

Note: scripture didn’t have chapters and verses until 16th century — which can lead to Proof-Texting: limiting context (Ex: end Hebrew 11 beginning of 12, Prayers to the Saints) or not looking at the entire picture (Ex: Ephesians 2:8-9 and not James 2:24). This is how an entire church denomination of snake handlers can start .... Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19.

Need of church doctrine develops over time and so think of the Magisterium as subservient to scripture and a lens to see. Otherwise you find yourself in a situation where: whoever is most confident, loudest, most educated or most persuasive wins an argument. This doesn’t work in the corporate world or any other walk of life .. why would it work in the Christian world?

Jesus Prayer for Unity Before He Dies
Older I get the more I think about death and my legacy. What strucks me is the night before Jesus dies he prays for his church and that they might be unified. Imagine what your prayer would be to your family and friends before you died? It is probably going to be something important.

John 17 20-23
20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

Jesus describes not just any kind of unity, but unity that is close as he and the Father are one. That unity is closer than that of man & woman physical union (and that is very close) — not a superficial union or the “idea” of a union. Wouldn’t that type of union be attainable?

The Catholic Church has mechanism to attain this type of union: 1) unity in belief [aka Catechism], 2) unity of leaders [aka Bishop] 3) unity through Jesus’ body [aka Eucharist & Adoration] 4) unity through prayer [aka Book of Hours] 5) unity through scripture [aka Daily Readings] 6) unity through time [aka Yearly Liturgy].

Who Founded Your Church? And Aposolic Succession. 
Great question. This is another knockout blow to the Catholic Church IMO. Apostolic Succession simply means that each Catholic Bishop & Priest can trace their lineage off who laid hands on them, back to Jesus throughout time (See Catholic Hierarchy). Imagine if each American President laid hands on the previous president but dating back 2,000 years.

We kind of gloss over the question “who founded your church” — but this question has serious implications, because anybody with a passion or word from God can start their own church. This mental model creates a splintering effect listed below. Catholic Church can trace it’s origin to Jesus, Methodists can trace their faith origins to John Wesley — big difference.

If God is Father, Jesus is Son, Than Who is Mother??
God has always been listed as Father, Jesus has always been seen as Son. That narrative was always clear to me, but felt incomplete. Who was mom? Surely in how God constructed the family structure their is a sufficient answer for this. Mary is the Mother to Jesus. Jesus is God. Mary is the Mother of God. Not in the divine sense, she doesn’t pre-date the Father ... but she does have a special relationship.

A few connections: 
  1. Mary is the new Eve
  2. Mary as ark of covenant
  3. Mary gave us the body of Christ (church)
  4. Jesus on the cross to John: behold your mother John 19:27
  5. Mary is the incarnation of the tabernacle
  6. Mary is the first Christian or person to say yes to Christ
  7. Martin Luther and John Calvin has strong devotion to Mary
  8. Mary points us the Jesus … do as he tells you ... water to wine. 
  9. Mary is like the moon she reflects the sun

The doctrine of Mary was hard for me to accept at first, but again I don’t make the rules ... and once I embraced my spritual mother she has extended so many graces to me and my family.

Sacrements Fight Gnositicism Head-On And Give Skin to God
I always struggled as a Protestant living in my head or the realm of the intangible, that my faith was  an intellectual ascent to a set of ideas. Through the sacrements or physical expressions of an intangible divine reality, the Catholic Church extends God’s graces into something real, something I can touch and sink my teeth into. It reflects the incarnation of Jesus coming down from heaven to meet us where we exist, it keeps me grounded and firmly planted straddled between the divine and physical worlds.

As a branch of Gnosticism, a 2nd century doctrine that taught salvation is achieved by a revelation that awakens knowledge of the divine/spiritual nature of humankind, Protestants is really a rehashed heresy that has modern form. The belief that the body is bad and what matters is the divine, really undercuts Jesus incarnation and the value of the sacramental life.

For Catholics being fed spiritually isn’t just and idea they encounter through “worship” but something they can physically engage through consuming the body of Christ in the Eucahrist.

Burden of Proof to Prove Direction Changed
Protestant position is not default position historically — therefore the burden is on you to demonstrate definitively that the direction has changed to Protestantism. 

Every Catholic should be on the offense to flip the script and point out that the historcial position is not Protestantism and prove it to me?

Center of Protestant Worship is Pulpit/Songs & Catholic Worship is Alter
rhetoric vs substance More to come...

Intellectually Honesty
Protestant claim Catholics use “Traditions of Men”, but when the flash light is put on them from the following items not in the bible, they tend to turn a blind eye:

  • Sinners prayer
  • Accepting jesus as personal savior
  • Personal relationship with God (not found in the bible)
  • Rededicating life to Christ
  • Devotions
  • Christian flag 
  • Rapture
  • Trinity not found in the Bible
  • 3 songs and 45 min sermon

    Ex: What saves us?
    • Luther / Calvin = Bapstim
    • Modern Evangelicalism = Inviting Jesus into your heart (not found in scripture)

    Other examples in the Bible of what saves us:
    • 1 Peter 3:21 — “Baptism . . . now saves you.”
    • James 2:24 — “A person is justified by works and not by faith alone.”
    • John 3:3-5 — “No one can enter the kingdom of heaven unless he is born of water and the Spirit”
    • Acts 16:31 — “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved—you and your household ... immediately they were baptized.” 

    Protestantism doesn’t make sense to me ... Jesus existed, died, rose ... in 30 AD ... no Bible gets completed for 300 years  ... everyone believes in Mary, the Eucharist, the pope, apostolic succession ... 1200 years later Luther a priest decides we’ve been doing it all wrong vs. reforming the Catholic Church. Makes no sense to me.  

    REASON #16
    Fighting of Heresies
    No honest Catholic denies reformation needed to happen. Important to note the 30+ major heresies the Catholic’s fought before the Reformation. More to come...

    REASON #17
    Holy Orders 
    The fact there is a clear and obvious structure for holy life in the Catholic Church. More to come... 

    REASON #18
    Continuity with Jewish Roots
    Catholic Faith is a fullment of the law not aboishment (contiunity of old & new) ... faith has to be the same from the beginning. More to come...
